2019 – A Rope Works Year in Review | @delilahknotty @dk_blackfish, a.k.a, DK – #BLACKFISH | #BlackfishRopeWorks

At the culmination of a year, we often reflect on past deeds, accomplishments, and sometimes failures. To see what we have done, either impromptu, planned, or in some unfortunates cases of mistakes, not envisioned.

And so it is, I made another slide show video, this one of the my Rope Works over the last year. My plan this last year was of course to tie, practice and take classes, but I got swept away rope photography, in particular shooting outside, known as rope bombing. As well as rope portrait photography of either me at my personal play space or under a professional practitioner, like the esteemed Mark Dektor, a portrait photographer, and Si Dgaf and Cassil’s, ingenious videographer’s.

Surprising enough, I ended up mostly shooting and tying with a few, as you see, in between playing and tying with a few others at my personal Rope Space which really wasn’t about photography or art, and more about organic, play and bondage therapy. So as so, personal play isn’t about taking the shot! So that is missing substantially.

The importance of my personal play is overshadowed here in this video, but it is certainly not lessoned in my need to tie and connect with humans. And that should be my final word on this, Social Media is about what it is we do, to share and learn from each other, but it is just that. What is important about what Social Media shows….”is the not the look at me”…but look at what is we are doing.

Special thanks to my partners and cohorts this year and absolutely not in any order of importance:

Mark Dektor @markdektor_photography

LavenderGirlXO @lavendergirlxo

Xenna @warrior_princess

Katie Kills You @katiekillsyou

Bug @knottybug_

Super K8 Tied @k8_tied

Si @di.gaf

Lexi @jlymusic

Cristy @cristymichel

Cassils @cassilartist

Lulu @piggyxlulu


Klinkie @kinkklinkie


Zee @zootzootzee

Nick Plugs Your Holes @nickplugsyourholes

My Bestie: Sandra Gibbons @Sandra_Gibbons